Horizon Plaza, renowned for its exceptional design furniture, interior and fashion retail offerings in Hong Kong, now welcomes a creative new addition - YA! YOUNG ART art space. Different from the conventional white cube, this venue adopts a warm, homely appearance, showcasing the malleability of "home" and providing a stage for young artists to share their unique perspectives.
Introducing the inaugural exhibition in this fresh art space, "House Warming," which carries a dual meaning. Firstly, it celebrates the opening and welcoming of this new art space - a metaphorical "housewarming" to invite guests into this creatively reimagined "home" for art and creativity. Secondly, the theme explores the concept of "home" itself, examining how contemporary art can redefine our understanding and experience of modern home living spaces. The exhibition will be on view at YA! YOUNG ART art space, Unit 803, 8/F, Horizon Plaza, Ap Lei Chau from 6 September to 8 December 2024, with an opening reception on 5 September from 6 to 8pm.
The exhibition features the dynamic works by six Hong Kong artists under the YA! Young Art program, including Curtis Chan (b. 1989), Kwan Yung Yee (b. 1991), Eric Lai Wai Lam (b. 1990), Lau Sze Man (b. 1995), Doris Ng (b. 1987), and Heiyi Tam (b. 1998). Their captivating artworks will be presented alongside a bespoke collection of European mid-century design furniture, imbuing the space with a warmth and intimacy. This interplay between art, design and home furnishings aims to inspire the audience on how to thoughtfully complement their home environments with artworks. As renowned architect I.M. Pei once observed, "Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place." This sentiment resonates deeply with the vision of the new art space, which seeks to redefine the ‘art of living’ and ‘living with art’ by seamlessly blending contemporary art with the comforts of home.
We sincerely invite you the new YA! YOUNG ART art space, explore the infinite possibilities where the boundaries between art, design, and everyday living are delightfully integrated and embark on a indulging shopping and art collecting experience.
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而, Psalms 84 (2)《詩篇 84 (2)》, 2024
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而, How lovely is your dwelling place 《你可愛的居所》, 2024
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而, Pouring 《傾倒》, 2023
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而, Sanctuary (4)《隱密之間 (4)》, 2023
Eric Lai Wai Lam 賴韋林, Secret Garden《秘密花園》, 2022
Eric Lai Wai Lam 賴韋林, Merry Go Round《氹氹轉》, 2023
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏, Return《返回》, 2021
Doris Ng 吳玳誼, The Weight of a Kite 《風箏的重量》, 2024
Doris Ng 吳玳誼, Itoshima spiders and a flower 《系島的蜘蛛和花兒》, 2024
Doris Ng 吳玳誼, Itoshima spiders eating an apple 《系島的蜘蛛吃蘋果》, 2024
Doris Ng 吳玳誼, Itoshima spiders in Monet’s pond 《系島的蜘蛛跑到莫奈的池塘》, 2024
Doris Ng 吳玳誼, Totem of the naked child I Boys《赤裸孩子的圖騰系列 I 男孩》, 2024
Doris Ng 吳玳誼, Totem of the naked child I Up《赤裸孩子的圖騰系列 I 升》, 2024
Heiyi Tam 譚喜而, Can you taste the glittering grass against the dewy skies?, 2024
Curtis Chan 陳漢希, Shrine, 2 《紀念之所, 2》, 2023
Curtis Chan 陳漢希, Gora, 1《強羅之森, 1》, 2023
Curtis Chan 陳漢希, Shrine, 1 《紀念之所, 1》, 2023