Hsiao Chin 蕭勤
In the Depth of Darkness (Nel profondo delle Tenebre)《在黑暗的深處》, 1965
Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力
130 x 161cm
Frame size: 155 X 9 X 183cm
Frame size: 155 X 9 X 183cm
Macau, MGM Cotai Theatre, To Infinity and Beyond: The Art of Hsiao Chin, Art Macau: Macau International Art Biennale, 2023
Beijing, Song Art Museum, The Artist as Astronaut: Hsiao Chin, 2021
Hong Kong, 3812 Gallery, Hsiao Chin Salon Show: 1960’s, An Important Era, 2017
The Artist as Astronaut: Hsiao Chin, Song Art Museum, Beijing, 2021 (p. 21)The Colors of Ch'an: Tribute to Hsiao Chin, Editions Dilecta, Paris, 2019
Hsiao Chin and Punto: Mapping Post-War Avant Garde, Joshua Gong, Unicorn Publishing Group, London, 2020