Hsiao Chin 蕭勤
Dancing Light-12《光之躍動-12》, 1963
Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力
110 x 140cm
Hsiao Chin FoundationExhibitions
Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Hsiao Chin at 85: An Exhibition of Transcendent Art, 2021
Kaohsiung, ALLEN Art Centre, Les Couleurs du Ch’an.Hommage à Hsiao Chin, 2019
高雄,高雄市立美術館,《象外.圜中-蕭勤八五大展》,2021年The Colors of Ch'an: Tribute to Hsiao Chin, Editions Dilecta, Paris, 2019
Legend of the Rambling King: Side View of Hsiao Chin, Hsiao Chin (Dictation), Maggie Wu (Text Writing), Punto Press, Kaohsiung City, 2018
A Historical Dialogue with Art (Volume No. 1), Hsiao Chin, Punto Press, Kaohsiung City, 2017 (p. 181)