Hsiao Chin 蕭勤
3812 Gallery
Consigned by Hsiao Chin Art Foundation
Hong Kong, 3812 Gallery, Hsiao Chin: His Unexplored History, 15 March - 15 April, 2023
London, 3812 Gallery, Spirit and Landscape, July 13 – September 3, 2022
London, 3812 Gallery, Masterpiece London Art Fair, Stand 617, Spirit and Landscape, 30 June – 6 July, 2022
Beijing, The Artist as Astronaut: Hsiao Chin, Song Art Museum, 2021
The Beginning of 1962
Masterpiece Art Fair, Masterpiece Online (Artsy), 2020
London, 3812 Gallery, In my beginning is my end: the art of Hsiao Chin, 2020
Kaohsiung, ALIEN Art Centre, Les Couleurs du Ch’an. Hommage à Hsiao Chin, 2019
Hong Kong, 3812 Gallery, Hsiao Chin: The Colours of Ch'an, 2019
Milan, Galleria Cadario, Movimento Punto - The First Exhibition, 1962
Hsiao Chin: His Unexplored History, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2023Spirit and Landscape, Masterpiece London Art Fair catalogue, 3812 Gallery, London, 2022, p.19
Hsiao Chin and Punto, exhibition catalogue, 3812 Gallery, London, 2022, p.14
The Artist as Astronaut: Hsiao Chin, Song Art Museum, Beijing, 2021, p.19–20,22
Joshua Gong, Hsiao Chin and Punto - Mapping Post-war Avant-Garde, Unicorn Publishing Group, London, 2020, p.48
Collect (Sept 2019), 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2019 , p.82
The Colors of Ch'an: Tribute to Hsiao Chin, Editions Dilecta, Paris, 2019, p.36
Hsiao Chin, A Historical Dialogue with Art (Volume No. 1), Punto Press, Kaohsiung City, 2017, p.176