Hsiao Chin 蕭勤
Painting-BR《繪畫-BR》, 1959
Oil on canvas 布上油彩
100 x 70cm
Hsiao Chin FoundationExhibitions
Hong Kong, 3812 Gallery, Hsiao Chin: His Unexplored History, 15 March - 15 April, 2023
Kaohsiung, Hsiao Chin Art Foundation, Les Couleurs du Zen: Peintures de Hsiao Chin, 2019
高雄,蕭進藝術基金會,「Les Couleurs du Zen:蕭進畫展平行展」,2019
Hsiao Chin: His Unexplored History, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2023蕭勤: 那些不為人知的歷史,3812畫廊,香港,2023
The Colours of Ch’an Tribute to Hsiao Chin, Punto Press, Kaohsiung, 2019, p. 21