Vibrating Double Shadows: Liu Guofu
'Painting is always awaiting a moment of its own, awaiting that moment when it can reawaken, waiting with both joy and trepidation, the quivering in its heart manifesting as vibrations of brushstrokes. Then, almost imperceptibly, time and paint overlap. Painting is waiting for us to enter into painting, to breathe within painting, to enter into another form of existence.
Every time we come before the painting of Liu Guofu, the space opened up by the surface of the painting retains the many shadows of time's passing. Through countless brushstrokes, the painter stacks their imprints onto the painting. Those layers and layers of beautiful, transparent shadows are like the appearance of the spirit.'
Quote from The Painting of Liu Guofu: Vibrating Double Shadows by Xia Kejun
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Open Space No. 67《敞 - 67》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Open Space No. 65《敞 - 65》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Pervasion No. 32《彌漫 - 32》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Open Space No. 66《敞 - 66》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Cold Mountain No. 7《冷山 - 7》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Cold Mountain No. 8《冷山 - 8》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Trace No. 6《痕跡 - 6》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Trace No. 5《痕跡 - 5》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Trace No. 4《痕跡 - 4》, 2017
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Pervasion No. 35《彌漫 - 35》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Pervasion No. 34《彌漫 - 34》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Open Space No. 63《敞 - 63》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Pervasion No. 29《彌漫 - 29》, 2018
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Pervasion No. 21《彌漫 - 21》, 2016
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Pervasion No. 11《彌漫 - 11》, 2016
Liu Guofu 劉國夫, Pervading No. 31, 2018