Webinar | Between Clouds and Water: Poetry as a Cultural Form of Visual Art

The 70th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between China and Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein National Museum International Academic Forum

Between Clouds and Water: Poetry as a Cultural Form of Visual Art


Date: 15:00-17:20 Sep.14th, 2020

Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89580256978?pwd=MjRQM29HRndieERTYVFTeTBQc0w1UT09
Meeting ID: 89580256978
Password: 123456


In today’s online international forum Between Clouds and Water: Poetry as a Cultural Form of Visual Art organised and hosted by Liechtenstein National Museum, our represented Chinese artist LiLei’s artistic conception and practice will be explored academically by a group of artists, critics and curators from 5 countries of Asia, Europe and Oceania, including German artists Rolf A. Kluenter and Genia Chef, New Zealand curator Hutch Wilco, Chinese philosopher Sun Zhouxing, Austrian curator Dr. Peter Assman, Liechtenstein artist Vlado Franjevic, hosted by the director of the Liechtenstein National Museum, Dr. Rainer Vollkommer.

Li’s poetic abstraction, which draws inspirations from a vast array of disciplines across religion, philosophy, sociology, literature and poetry, becomes a representation of Chinese abstract art. Despite the postponement of his large-scale solo exhibition Between Clouds and Water at the Liechtenstein National Museum, this online academic forum is held on the day of the 70th anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Liechtenstein and China to commemorate the event and foster the artistic and cultural exchange between the two countries.

14 September 2020
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