Raymond Fung's Dynasties collected by and showcased at The Hong Kong Palace Museum

M+ and Hong Kong Palace Museum

Raymond Fung's Dynasties is included in The Hong Kong Palace Museum exhibition: "Passion for Collecting: Founding Donations to The Hong Kong Palace Museum".


As a part of the museum's permanent collection, Fung's Dynasties series is a monumental serial landscape consisting of 24 parts, each representing a historical period in China's past. Exhibited in prestigious art events such as Art Paris, Art Taipei, and Ink Asia Hong Kong, Fung incorporated the use of steam projections to evoke a sense of historical conflict. The billowing simulated smoke rising from the red and orange skies of the landscapes presents a thought-provoking contrast to the glorification often associated with historical triumphs. Fung's landscapes stand as solemn monuments, paying tribute to the countless nameless individuals affected by the profound upheavals of significant political transitions throughout history. 


Exhibition information: "Passion for Collecting: Founding Donations to The Hong Kong Palace Museum"


16 July 2024
of 65