Hsiao Chin 蕭勤
Meditazione del superamento del grande soglia《超越大限之冥想》, 1996
Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力
80 x 110cm
Hsiao Chin: From Beijing to Paris, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2021The Artist as Astronaut: Hsiao Chin, Song Art Museum, Beijing, 2021
Hsiao Chin: The Colours of Ch'an, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2019
To An Infinite Ascendence, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2018
Hsiao Chin Salon Show: 1960’s, An Important Era, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2017
Hsiao Chin Solo Exhibition: Endless Energy, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2016