Li Lei 李磊, 金陵花重28, 2017
Li Lei 李磊, 金陵花重25, 2017
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ARTicle | 李磊的抽象藝術
2020年8月28日 -
藝術家日記 | 《陌上花開:李磊的詩瓷》
李磊與我們分享了他最近在中國瓷器上進行的實驗,他將其描述為「詩歌的媒介」和「回顧過去,展望未來」的方式。在本期藝術家日記中,藝術家李磊與我們分享了他在“煉瓷”“玩瓷”的創作歷程中尋找詩意的影像日記。 所謂“詩瓷”,即是以瓷寫詩。李磊通過雕刻、塑造和煉就瓷器,將傳統元素與視... -
李磊In 1996, when Li Lei began exploring Chinese abstract art in both practice and research, he sought to transform it&mdash...
Li Lei was born in 1965 in Shanghai, where he now lives and works. Li is the former Executive Director of China Art Museum, Shanghai (Shanghai Art Museum) and a Professor at Tongji University. He also works as National First-Class Artist, the Deputy Director of Experimental Art Council in the China Artists Association and is a Visiting Professor at the Fine Art College of Shanghai University.
National Art Museum of China(China), China Art Museum(China), Today Art Museum(China), Hubei Art Museum(China), Shandong Art Museum(China), Shenzhen Art Museum(China), Sichuan Art Museum(China), Guyuan Art Museum of Zhuhai(China), Minsheng Art Museum(China), Z-art Center(China), Museum of Contemporary Art(China), Xuhui Art Museum(China), Ningbo Museum of Art(China), National Exhibition and Convention Centre(China), MGM Cotai Chairman Collection(China).
For over 20 years Li Lei has been engaged in the creation of, and research into, Chinese abstract art. He has endeavoured to combine the core concepts of Chinese culture with the international language of mature abstract art and to create a path for abstract art in China. His painting series includes Zen Flower, Drunken Lake, Shanghai Flower, Memories of Southand The Flame of Pompeii. In 2014, he began to experiment with space integration art, taking spatial narrative, spatial expression and spatial analysis as objectives of his dramatic visual practice. The development in Li Lei’s painting style has been identified as “philosophically eclectic and moderate”, a distinctively Chinese kind of poetic abstraction.