Terry Frost 泰瑞.佛洛斯特
June Collage《六月拼貼》, 2002
Acrylic and collage on canvas 布上壓克力、拼貼
214 x 125cm
Artwork swapped with Green & Orange (owned by 3812) April 2021
Artwork swapped with Green & Orange (owned by 3812) April 2021
Hong Kong, 3812 Gallery, Here Comes the Sun - The Art of Terry Frost, 1948-2003, 2021出版
Here Comes the Sun - The Art of Terry Frost, 1948-2003, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2021, p. 53-54
Terry Frost, Warm Frost, Alison Hodge Publishers, Penzance, 2003, p. 18