Hsiao Chin 蕭勤
Contemplation《靜觀》, 1962
Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力
70 x 90cm
Hsiao Chin Art Foundation
Taipei, Nangang Exhibition Center, Remembering Hsiao Chin’s Legacy: a Retrospective of Post-War Abstract Art Across East and West”, 2024台北,台北南港展覽館,《懷念蕭勤:東西方戰後抽象藝術回顧展》第五屆台北當代藝術博覽會,2024
London, 3812 Gallery, In my beginning is my end: the art of Hsiao Chin, 2020
London, Masterpiece Art Fair, Masterpiece Online, 2020
Kaohsiung, ALLEN Art Centre, Les Couleurs du Ch’an.Hommage à Hsiao Chin, 2019
Hong Kong, 3812 Gallery, To An Infinite Ascendence, 2018
Hong Kong, Tsz Shan Monastery, Bright Light - Homage to Ascendence, 2018
Zen·Art, Exhibition Bright Light - Homage to Ascendence, Hong Kong, 2018, p.8The Colors of Ch'an: Tribute to Hsiao Chin, Editions Dilecta, Paris, 2019, p.19
Joshua Gong, Hsiao Chin and Punto - Mapping Post-war Avant-Garde, Unicorn Publishing Group, London, 2020, p.52-53