Hong Kong, 3812
Gallery, Hsiao Chin: His Unexplored History, 2023
Gallery, 蕭勤:那些不為人知的歷史,2023
Beijing, QiongJiu
Gallery, Parallelism
of Tao & Tao of Parallelism, 2022
北京, 穹究堂,道之平行·平行之道,2022
Hong Kong, 3812
Gallery, Hsiao Chin:
From Beijing to Paris, 2021
Kaohsiung City, ALIEN
Art Centre, Les Couleurs du Ch’an.Hommage à Hsiao Chin, 2019
高雄,永添藝術.金馬賓館當代美術館,《禪色 • 向蕭勤致敬》,2019
France, Musée
National des Arts Asiatiques– Guimet (MNAAG), The Colours of Ch’an. Tribute
to Hsiao Chin, 2019
法國,吉美亞洲藝術博物館,The Colours of Ch’an. Tribute to Hsiao Chin,2019
Taipei City and
Beijing, Tina Keng Gallery, Novel Energy: The End Is The Beginning: Hsiao
Chin Solo Exhibition, 2016
台北和北京,耿畫廊,新能量:終點亦為起點: 蕭勤個展,2016
Hsiao Chin: His Unexplored History, 3812 Gallery, Hong Kong, 2023 蕭勤: 那些不為人知的歷史,3812 Gallery,香港,2023 Parallelism of Tao, Qiongjiu Gallery, Beijing, 2022, p. 41 道之平行 · 平行之道, 穹究堂,北京,2022,p.41
Les Couleurs du Ch’an.Hommage à Hsiao Chin, ALIEN Art Centre, Kaohsiung City, 2019 《禪色 • 向蕭勤致敬》,永添藝術.金馬賓館當代美術館,高雄,2019 Hsiao
Chin: Novel Energy: The End is the Beginning, Tina Keng Gallery, Taipei and Beijing, 2016 新能量:終點亦為起點: 蕭勤個展,耿畫廊, 台北和北京,2016 Eighty Years of Energy: Hsiao
Chin's Retrospect & Prospect, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Tsai Chao-Yi and Chiang Po-Shin, Taichung, 2015, p. 153 八十年的能量:蕭勤的回顧與展望,國立台灣美術館,台中,2015