The exhibition aims to discover a vibrant and dynamic place where connections are formed, a door embraces unfamiliarity, a window shares stories, and a platform makes you shine.
Agnes Wu, Curator & Gallery Manager
We are delighted to announce the official launch of YA! Young Art platform and the highly anticipated opening of its debut exhibition in Hong Kong, titled "Seeking Connections." This captivating exhibition showcases dynamic artworks by five talented artists hailing from Hong Kong and Macau. The exhibition will run from January 18th, 2024, through February 28th, 2024.
"Seeking Connections" invites viewers on a journey of self-discovery, delving into the depths of human emotions and the relentless pursuit of personal fulfilment. The artists, through their meticulous research of their identity, emotions, stories, memories, and surroundings, establish connections that resonate with viewers on multiple levels.
Joanne Chan's (b.1992 Hong Kong) art is characterized by gestural spraying and oil painting, using vibrant colours to convey the transformative journey between energy, consciousness, and non-dualism. Eric Fok (b.1990 Macau) explores Macau's identity, capturing its transformations and postcolonial phenomena through meticulous brushwork and maps, merging space and time in a fascinating dimension. Kwan Yung Yee's (b.1991 Hong Kong) artworks feature clean lines, bold colours, and digital aesthetics. Inspired by the New Art Movement and Japanese prints, she incorporates stylized natural elements, creating serene compositions that evoke spirituality and inner peace. Lai Wai Lam (b.1990 Hong Kong) focuses on ink as a medium of creation. His delineative paintings (Gongbi painting) showcase meticulous shading and smudging techniques, creating quiet and persistent artworks that reflect his own temperament. Through painting and collage, Lau Sze Man (b.1995 Hong Kong) explores the interplay of imagery and text; memory and flash-ideas; illusions and creation, inviting viewers to contemplate the balance between chance and intention.
Believing that painting captures complex emotions that are not able to be thoroughly expressed verbally, the exhibition sparks curiosity and explores the profound impact of human connections. Visitors will embark on a visual journey through the exhibition, encountering works that captivate the senses and evoke introspection. Each piece carries its own narrative, inviting viewers to reflect on their own experiences and search for answers within themselves. From bold and vibrant compositions to introspective and contemplative artworks, the exhibition presents a tapestry of emotions and perspectives, highlighting the diversity of human existence.
We are thrilled to invite you to “Seeking Connections”, where you step into a world where painting unlocks the unspoken, where emotions find resonance, and where the power of human connections is celebrated in all its complexity and beauty.
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏Return《返回》, 2021Oil pastel, tape, acrylic and oil on canvas 布上油畫棒、膠帶、壓克力、油彩109 x 83cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏The Sitting Tree《坐下的大樹》, 2022Ball pen, pencil and acrylic on paper 紙上圓珠筆、鉛筆、壓克力24.5 x 20.3cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏Not Our City《不是我們的城市》, 2022Pencil, nail, marker, correction pen, ball pen and acrylic on paper 紙上鉛筆、釘、麥克筆、塗改液、圓珠筆、壓克力Paper size: 43 x 52.5cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏Hard Wings(Soft Negative Space)《硬翅膀(柔軟的負空間)》, 2023Marker, pencil, ball pen, acrylic and oil on aluminum plate 鋁板上麥克筆、鉛筆、圓珠筆、壓克力、油彩91.5 x 93cm
Courtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist -
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏Grey Mountain, Grey Mountain, Grey Mountain《灰色的山,灰色的山,灰色的山》, 2022Colour pencil, pencil, ball pen, acrylic and oil on canvas 布上木顏色筆、鉛筆、圓珠筆、壓克力、油彩101.5 x 71cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏Cloud squashes the Grassland《雲朵壓扁草地》, 2022Oil pastel, marker, spray, ball pen, acrylic and wallpaper on acrylic and paper 壓克力和紙上油畫棒、麥克筆、噴漆、圓珠筆、壓克力、牆紙73 x 83cm
Courtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist -
Lau Sze Man 劉詩敏Car stuck《卡沙》, 2022Masking Tape, nail, pencil, colour pencil, marker, ball pen and acrylic on paper 紙上紙膠帶、釘、鉛筆、木顏色筆、麥克筆、壓克力40 x 29.7cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Eric Lai Wai Lam 賴韋林Secret Garden《秘密花園》, 2022Ink and color on Chinese paper 紙上水墨設色79 x 75cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Eric Lai Wai Lam 賴韋林Twinkle《星星》, 2022Ink and color on Chinese paper 紙上水墨設色70 x 70cm
Courtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist -
Eric Lai Wai Lam 賴韋林Home《歸處》, 2022Ink and color on Chinese paper 紙上水墨設色54 x 78cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Eric Lai Wai Lam 賴韋林Merry Go Round《氹氹轉》, 2023Ink and color on Chinese paper 紙上水墨設色64 x 67cm
Courtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist -
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Refuge (1)《避難所 (1)》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力30 x 40cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Sanctuary (6)《隱密之間 (6)》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力50 x 40cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Living water《永遠不渴》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力60 x 80cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而I am waiting for you《等你再來》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力80 x 60cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Sanctuary (5)《隱密之間 (5)》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力50 x 60cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Sanctuary (4)《隱密之間 (4)》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力50 x 60cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而You are my hiding place《藏身之處》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力100 x 100cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Sanctuary (2)《隱密之間 (2)》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力60 x 60cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Holy of Holies (1)《至聖所 (1)》, 2023Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力70 x 100cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Kwan Yung Yee 關蓉而Psalms 84 (1)《詩篇 84 (1)》, 2024Acrylic on canvas 布上壓克力120 x 150cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Eric Fok 霍凱盛Film map《電影地圖》, 2020Ink pen on paper 紙上針筆61 x 90cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Eric Fok 霍凱盛Pandemic 6《大流行6》, 2020Ink pen on paper 紙上針筆18 x 85cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Eric Fok 霍凱盛2047.16, 2017Ink pen on paper 紙上針筆89 x 110cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Joanne Chan 陳頌欣On the way - 2《渡 - 2》, 2023Oil on canvas 布上油彩120 x 100cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Joanne Chan 陳頌欣Naissance《誕生》, 2023Oil on canvas 布上油彩35 x 30cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Joanne Chan 陳頌欣Into the woods《在森林和原野》, 2023Oil on canvas 布上油彩120 x 160cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Joanne Chan 陳頌欣On the way - Bateau 《渡 - 舟》, 2023Oil on canvas 布上油彩120 x 100cmCourtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist
Joanne Chan 陳頌欣Impermanence《無常》, 2018Spray on canvas 布上噴漆205 x 320cm, diptych (205 x 160cm each)Courtesy of 3812 Gallery LtdCopyright The Artist